Saturday 28 August 2021

Regiment de la Reine, French and Indian War 1.

 I am currently painting a number of Warlord Games 28mm French and Indian War French Infantry. These are the ex-Conquest Miniatures figures. Painted up as the 2nd Battalion of the Regiment de la Reine in the uniform issued prior to their departure to Canada. They would return to wearing their blue waistcoats some time later. Flags by GMB. I am currently working of the last eight figures of this unit. They are all in a firing pose. I am not a great fan of figures in such a pose so I don't think I shall photograph them. These are based individually as instructed by the owner.

Friday 20 August 2021

More photo-lightbox experimentation. 1/1 Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars.

 Still playing about with new photo-lightbox. I have placed a graduated blue background into the box, just laying it on top of the foam sheet background that comes with the box. I also built up the base of the box by about three inches using some offcuts of timber....the foam background was then laid on top of this raised area. All I did after cropping these images was to hit the "Auto Adjust" function and this seems to have softened the harshness of the light. I am now happy with this as a way forward. These figures are converted Old Glory 28mm WW1 British Cavalry forming 1/1 Royal Buckinghamshire Hussars for my Palestine 1917 collection. These ten figures have been a very slow burn being over two years since the first figure was finished. These are not the best figures on the market but I do like the animation on the horses. Now for the dismounted unit!

Tuesday 17 August 2021

I bought a photo light-box. Having a play.

 I recently bought one those flat-pack plastic photo-light boxes for a few quid off Ebay. This is a post really to see how photos using this piece of kit come out online. I am using one of the foam backgrounds that come with the box but I think I may make up a graduated blue background to fit having seen the results. I will also need to tinker with things a bit to get used to the new method of photography having used three anglepoise lamps for years. I need to look at the brightness and contrast I think. The light is very harsh. have look at what it does, here are some of my 1917 Palestine Tommies, 25th Bn. Welsh Regiment (Pembrokeshire and Glamorgan Yeomanry). These figures are "speed painted" using the block paint, wash and highlight method.

Monday 2 August 2021

Painting Commissions

The last eighteen months have been difficult for all of us. I, like many, have found this period challenging both at work and at home. After a lot of thought I have come to the decision to no longer accept new commissions from new clients. I will still be accepting commissions from those clients with projects on my books to allow these to be completed, so please rest assured that my brush is still at your disposal. 

I hope that in the fullness of time to be able to "open up" again, but I need to take a break for a while. How long that break will be is, as yet, unclear. I have also been asked to write another painting guide book. This one will take some time. PLUS, I still have my own projects to pursue as progress on these has been far too slow over the last year and a half due to all sorts of things. 

I don't want painting little metal men to become a chore!