Sunday, 12 January 2025

Crann Tara/Minden Miniatures Palatine Hohenhauser Dragoons 1740s.

 The Palatine Hohenhauser Dragoons from the 1740s. The troopers come Crann Tara Miniatures and are re-purposed Savoy cavalry figures. They look like generic Dragoon types with the important aiguillettes on the right shoulder. The figures on the Command stand come out of the lead pile and are from Minden Miniatures mounted on three available standing horses. There is a little artistic license with the uniform details (black turnbacks instead of red) simply for more visual interest. I am fairly agnostic about the details being perfect.


WSTKS-FM Worldwide said...

Wonderful painting on these figures! You really nailed the red in particular.

Kind Regards,


Donnie McGibbon said...

Super work on them, they look great, the Savoia dragoons are a handy figure. Nice to see some of the Palantine army, not one you see too often.