Saturday 31 August 2013

Perry Miniatures WW2 Western Desert British and Italian Infantry Support Weapons.


Jehan said...

Once again, you achieved a very nice job on these great Perry minis !

Michael Awdry said...

You've really brought those to life Mark, bravo Sir.

Major Thomas Foolery said...

Top notch Sir!

Phil said...

Wonderful work, great paintjob and basing!

Stefan (aka. Monty) said...

Very, very good paintjob, Mark!
I love the way you brought those miniatures to live.


Tarih1964 said...

Hut ab! Tell me the truth, they are actually alive.. .-)

366_Zoh6 said...

I love your blog! It always provides me with inspiration for both painting and gaming. Thank you!!

Stefan (aka. Monty) said...

Finally I fell for the Perry's Desert Rats myself. Would you mind to share the colours you used for the different uniform parts?
May I send you an email or Facebook message?


Over Open Sights said...

Stefan, drop me an email (address at the top of the page). I'll have to look at these photos again as it is two years since I painted them.