An interesting scratchbuild project from card and some styrene bits and bobs to create a little more table dressing. The radio equipment is actually some 1/35 resin pieces. Such mobile units saw little use on the Western Front, but in the Eastern theatres, where armies were more mobile, they were more common. The front wagon contained the accumulators (batteries) that had to be changed every day or recharged with a steam-generator. The rear wagon carried the wireless transmitter and receiver set. The aerial mast could be broken down and stored and transported on the on the wagons. "Sparky" is a Perry WW2 British seated gunner (from the 25pdr set) with a Woodbine headswap and a little greenstuff to make his headset. Again, like all my scratchbuilds, this is not an accurate model, but something to give the impression of that object.

.--. .-.. . .- ... . - --- -.. .. ... .--. .- - -.-. .... .- ... .- -- .- - - . .-. --- ..-. ... --- -- . ..- .-. --. . -. -.-. -.-- .---- ..-. --- .-. - -. ..- -- .- -. -.. -- .- ... --- -. ... .... .- -- .--. . .-. -.... -... --- - - .-.. . ... --- ..-. -- --- . - .- -. -.. .- .-.. .- .-. --. . --.- ..- .- -. - .. - -.-- --- ..-. .- -- -- ..- -. .. - .. --- -.
And here is a real one photographed in Mesopotamia.