
Saturday 17 September 2022

1/48 Royal Aircraft Factory RE.8 "Harry Tate".

As a consequence of my friend Steve's clear-out a few weeks ago, I was very pleased to come into the possession of an Aeroclub 1/48 kit of a RE.8. An out of production kit dating from the 1990s. I have been on the lookout for one of these for quite a few years but when they cropped up in eBay or on websites dealing with "vintage" and out of production kits they were selling for silly money. Too pricey for what I wanted to do with it - create a gaming piece that would buzz above the wargaming table. During all that time, Steve had one in his "black hole". This beauty, equipped with a radio transmitter, will circle the table spotting the fall of shot from 96 Heavy Artillery Group. Time to get hold of some pilots from Copplestone Castings.


  1. That is indeed a beauty Mark…
    I have a lot of love for WW1 aircraft…unfortunately I also have an equal dislike for building kits 😳

    All the best. Aly
