
Tuesday 16 February 2021

Brigadier General C.A.C. Godwin, General Officer Commanding 6th Mounted Brigade, Palestine 1917.

 Half term holidays are here and that means some time away from screens and the accompanying headaches and eyestrain that go with teaching via video link. Having finished off the Berkshire Yeomanry and before returning to some commission work, I hit the lead pile and pulled out a Great War Miniatures early WW1 British Cavalry officer minus right arm, a Great War Miniatures early WW1 British Cavalry bugler that had been discarded due to a miscast rear leg on the horse and from the lowest layer of archaeological deposit, a Renegade WW1 mounted British Cavalry officer without horse. The greenstuff rectified the miscast horse's leg and a spare Footsore horse was located and appropriated. The "bits box" yielded a couple of plastic right arms (Perry, I think) and the Renegade figure had his pistol toting tight arm replaced and the GWM figure was made whole. All three were then given Woodbine Wolseley heads. A neat little job to get me back into the swing of things. Four days later and we have Brigadier Godwin, his Brigade-Major and a HQ bugler.

Saturday 13 February 2021

1/1 Berkshire Yeomanry, Palestine, 1917.

 The demands of remote teaching via TEAMS in Lockdown 3 over the past few weeks have left me, most evenings, with eyestrain, headache and faint nausea. The last thing I have wanted to do is paint. However, I picked up the brush to finish off something that has been sitting about almost complete but not quite for the past two years. This addition to my collection is a real mash-up. The horses are from Perry Miniatures, the mounted troopers are from Footsore Miniatures, the dismounted from Great War Miniatures (with an Officer from Empress Miniatures) and all have Wolseley heads from Woodbine Designs. It has taken five weeks to paint about half a dozen figures.