
Saturday 13 February 2021

1/1 Berkshire Yeomanry, Palestine, 1917.

 The demands of remote teaching via TEAMS in Lockdown 3 over the past few weeks have left me, most evenings, with eyestrain, headache and faint nausea. The last thing I have wanted to do is paint. However, I picked up the brush to finish off something that has been sitting about almost complete but not quite for the past two years. This addition to my collection is a real mash-up. The horses are from Perry Miniatures, the mounted troopers are from Footsore Miniatures, the dismounted from Great War Miniatures (with an Officer from Empress Miniatures) and all have Wolseley heads from Woodbine Designs. It has taken five weeks to paint about half a dozen figures. 


  1. These look lovely Mark...
    The helmet flash add a nice bit of colour to the khaki uniform.

    All the best. Aly

  2. I admire your patience! Beautiful and painstakingly painted. A proud addition to any army.
