
Monday 12 August 2019

Egyptian Infantry for the Sudan

The 3rd battalion made up of thirty Perry Miniatures figures flying one of my home made flags. Another battalion to come in due course. Out of interest, I timed myself when working on this project. Sixty hours of work from opening the first box of figures to finishing the basing on the last base of six. 


  1. Rather well painted white uniforms. Very `trixie' !!!!

    1. This white palette is a state secret. It is not the Foundry triad... But uses three Vallejo paints straight from the bottles.

  2. What a brilliant job on these Mark. You have painted that white perfectly in my opinion. They are a fine sculpt and the home made flag is a great addition. Looking forward to seeing a few more of your units as they progress.

  3. Very nice indeed ....I have always intended to get my hands on some of these guys to augment the colonial Brits I have for the Sudan campaigns....maybe one day. 60 hours for around 30 figures by the looks of it? At the New Zealand minimum wage, that makes them around $40 per figure to paint!

    1. Yeah....the old chestnut of what would be a realistic price of getting figures painted by someone else. Many would not or could not entertain such a price as this is a "hobby".

  4. A lovely looking unit Mark...
    And shock horror.... no khaki!

    All the best. Aly

  5. Yes! I am revelling in this new found freedom and yesterday I painted something in blue!
