
Tuesday 10 November 2015

What next?

After a very difficult three month period for my mother and family, things will now slowly return to normal. Not the normality we are all used to, but a new normal, sadly one without my mother who lost her fight two weeks ago.

Mum was always worried about us, more than she was about herself. She made me promise that I would paint as much as I could in between the hospital visits. For a month I couldn't concentrate for long enough but I completed the Taliban project once we became used to the idea that Mum would be in hospital for a long time and that she would not be coming home. The end was unexpected, swift, calm and a blessing as Mum faced months of terminal decline. She has been spared that ordeal. Words can not express how I feel at present.

Painting is therapy. Although I can't do long sessions at the table at the moment I shall keep things ticking along on the projects that I had to put on hold when Mum became ill back in the summer. So, a dozen WW1 Mutton Chop Tommies and thirty WW1 Mutton Chop Germans are next. Once these are well underway I am looking forward to answering a challenge to create some WW1 British Imperial and Ottoman Camel Ambulance bases for the Middle Eastern theatres.

So... here are the first four.... I've painted and photgraphed these before but who cares. I love these Tommies by Paul Hicks.


  1. Sincere condolences for your loss

  2. So sorry for your loss, and I hope you find great comfort in bringing beautiful figures to life. I can't wait to see your take on the Mutton Chop Germans.

  3. Dear Mark, please accept my heartfelt sympathies for your loss, words are simply not sufficient at a time like this.

  4. My condolences. I certainly understand - it is hard to get the focus to paint when such terrible things are going on. The figures are beautifully painted.

  5. My condolences on your loss. It is obviously a very testing time for you. I think it's a wonderful thing that your mum knew how much painting means to you. A parent who thought of your hobby and happiness that much obviously loved you a great deal.

  6. I'm really very sorry for your loss Mark.

    Keep the painting time ticking over, I know that it helped me through a difficult time last year and hopefully it will do the same for you.


  7. Condolences Mark - words cannot describe your loss.

  8. I'm very sorry for your loss, Mark. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  9. Mark I am very sorry to hear about your loss, my thoughts and prays are with you

  10. Best wishes to you and your family, Mark. Painting is a therapy for many in this hobby.

  11. So sorry for your loss. I have to comment to say that the models do look beautiful. I was wondering if you ever had occasion to compare these with the old Foundry WW1 range? Are they even close to being compatible? I only ask because Paul's figures are probably the smallest built of the modern ranges available.

  12. Hi Dallas, Paul's figures are more true to scale than those of GWM. However, when you stand them side by side these Mutton Chops are not as small as you might think. They mix very well with GWMs and Woodbines. The Mutton Chop Tommies can be augmented by mixing in the WW1 range from Footsore Miniatures (the old Musketeer Miniatures range)as these too are by Paul Hicks. As for the Foundry range, I don't have any of these so I am afraid I cannot comment.

  13. So sorry to hear of your mums passing Mark, lovely to hear how your mum encouraged your hobby! Beautiful painting on these guys!
    All the best
