
Tuesday 17 November 2015

Mutton Chop WW1 German Infantry Revisited 1.

An opportunity to revisit these excellent sculpts from Paul Hicks' Mutton Chop WW1 range of figures. A slightly darker grey for the M1910 uniform than I have painted previously. More to come.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

What next?

After a very difficult three month period for my mother and family, things will now slowly return to normal. Not the normality we are all used to, but a new normal, sadly one without my mother who lost her fight two weeks ago.

Mum was always worried about us, more than she was about herself. She made me promise that I would paint as much as I could in between the hospital visits. For a month I couldn't concentrate for long enough but I completed the Taliban project once we became used to the idea that Mum would be in hospital for a long time and that she would not be coming home. The end was unexpected, swift, calm and a blessing as Mum faced months of terminal decline. She has been spared that ordeal. Words can not express how I feel at present.

Painting is therapy. Although I can't do long sessions at the table at the moment I shall keep things ticking along on the projects that I had to put on hold when Mum became ill back in the summer. So, a dozen WW1 Mutton Chop Tommies and thirty WW1 Mutton Chop Germans are next. Once these are well underway I am looking forward to answering a challenge to create some WW1 British Imperial and Ottoman Camel Ambulance bases for the Middle Eastern theatres.

So... here are the first four.... I've painted and photgraphed these before but who cares. I love these Tommies by Paul Hicks.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Taliban 3.

The last figures in this project.