
Sunday 20 October 2013

Artizan Designs WW2 British Commandos 2

It is a good job that I take photos of the miniatures I paint. I didn't notice the white bloom of the varnish in the recesses with the naked eye (or even with my reading specs on). Will have to give these another splash tonight to soften the previous coat  work it out with a brush I keep specifically for this purpose. I really enjoyed painting this group of twelve.

Bring on the Perry DAK!


  1. how are you going to base them?

  2. Mike, I'm not going to base these. These are commission pieces. The client wishes to base them himself.

  3. That's an amazing paintjob you show here. Your customer definitely can count himself lucky.

  4. Fabulous, I was looking at how you do the eyes. I am right in thinking that the skin colour goes down first then the whites, so to speak?

  5. Michael, the base flesh tone goes down first, then the whites and the pupils and then the next set of flesh tones. I have a VERY thin brush for the whites. A brush created from a single hair plucked from a Badger's bottom in early spring on a full moon when the wind is from the east.

  6. Great looking troops, faces are really impressive!

  7. Thank you Mark, I suppose the answer is first find one's badger! For some time now I had been putting the whites down onto the black undercoat, but when I look at the photographs this often means they look as if they're wearing some very suspect make up! I must try your approach, all the very best,


  8. just beautiful stuff, great figures and wonderful page.
