
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Perry Miniatures DAK

The nice man who sculpted these DAK figures has asked me to paint up a box for him. I am not the only chap painting up a Zug for his personal use and it seems that brushes are being wielded across Europe!

The nice man was kind enough to send me the command sprue (Officer and Radio Operator)  a couple of weeks ago to allow me to play around with a few recipes for painting the earlier olive green uniform and the later tan/sand coloured kit.

So, these two were very much test pieces to play around with before the real thing arrived in the post today. I thought you might like a shuftie. Officer in later clothing, Radio Operator in a fading olive green tunic. I'm not altogether happy with this green. Other recipes will be explored soon.

Once again the camera reveals all faults. I've sent these two figures off to the nice man so I can't rectify a tiny fault with the Officer figure. Something is missing. Can anyone spot it. No prizes... just the smug satisfaction of being eagle eyed.


  1. stunning work as awlays I find your painting truly inspiring, it pushes me to try new things on my figures all the time. Thank you for that
    Peace James

  2. Lovely painting! Simply stunning.

    I cannot spot what is missing, but I'd guess at some sort of badge or insigna?

    Look forward to seeing more.


  3. Awesome paintjob.
    It's always a pleasure to come here and look at your excellent results.

    Thanks for sharing them

  4. They look absolutely stunning mate.

    I'd love to hear what you chose to use for the uniform recipe's??? Pretty please? I think you have them just about right.


  5. Bedford I have sent you a mail! I hope, in the fullness of time to put together a full painting guide for these DAK figures. I need to experiment with some more combinations. Including a SECRET TRIAD for VERY EARLY DAK TROPICAL UNIFORM.... how can you contain yourselves. The missing bit of paintwork are two very thin lines of red paint on the officer's Iron Cross ribbon!
