
Sunday 23 June 2013

Great War Miniatures British Infantry in Cold Weather Clothing 2.

June is a black hole where painting is concerned. Work committments mean that I normally don't pick up a brush until July but I managed to find time this weekend to complete the remaining three Tommies in Cold Weather Clothing. Here they are with a couple of photos of the complete pack of six figures.
These three chaps are painted up as 5th (Service) Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment. The Divisional badge of 12th Division, the Ace of Spades, can be seen painted on the rear of the helmets. The Division wore other patches on the back of the tunic, just below the collar, obscured here by the small packs. You might just make out "5RB" painted in red on the two helmet covers. This is purely conjectural.
And here we have all six miniatures. Click on the photo for a larger image. 


  1. Lovely job Mark and great to see them altogether like that - bravo!

  2. Those are really smart looking - well done!
