
Monday 12 November 2012

Armed Workers, Merchant Sailors and Adventurers

Some various civilian types... merchant sailors, armed workers and adventurous types. Bit of a rush job these. Need twenty odd done within the next few weeks with precious little time to paint. I have no idea who made these figures.... they just arrived in the post as if by magic.

It is amazing what you see when you play with the photographs... the chap in the centre has a chip out of the brown paint on his trousers. Looks like a quick touch up may be needed.


  1. These are superb Mark, great brush work and fun to boot.

  2. At least some of them are Pulp Figures by Bob Murch. I'd say probably all judging by the look of them. Lovely figures and a superb paint job too...

  3. Thanks, Millsy. I've added a label to that effect.

  4. The fellow with the BAR is *not* from Pulp Figures, sad to say; he is instead from Mark Copplestone's High Adventure range (BC5: American Adventurers).

    I admire your painting nevertheless, sir! Also, I confess that I also own all of these figures...except the big-game hunter from Pulp Figures.

  5. Really terrific Mark. Such fun to do figures like this. Bravo!
