
Thursday 21 December 2023

Thirty Years War/English Civil War Painting Guide out in January.

 My latest painting guide is now available for pre-order from Caliver Books.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Front Rank SYW French High Command Figures and a couple of Aides-de-Camp.

 Big chunky figures, are these, but fun to paint. 

Sunday 3 December 2023

Crann Tara SYW: 1st Bn. Infantry Regiment Prinz Birkenfeld and some Staff Officers.

 More Crann Tara SYW Savoy figures painted up as 1st Bn. Infantry Regiment Prinz Birkenfeld for my Palatine force. Also, a single Perry figure (a special edition that a chum procured for me from a show) painted up as Generalmajor Christian Georg Freiherr von der Osten and a base containing two Eureka Miniatures' SYW Saxon mounted figures and a Perry AWI French officer to represent Generalleutnant Ferdinand Wilhelm Freiherr von Isselbach and staff.  The flags come from Frédéric Aubert now available on  his new website:

Monday 23 October 2023

Crann Tara SYW: 1st Bn. Infantry Regiment Prinz Karl von Zweibrücken.

 Another battalion towards my (very slowly) growing SYW Palatine force. Crann Tara Savoy infantry with some very minor conversion work on their hats. The flags come from Frédéric Aubert now available on  his new website:

Sunday 1 October 2023

1 Bn. Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, 1885. Complete.

Two months in the painting, but the Camerons are ready to hand over to my friend Steve to add to his Sudan collection. Sadly. I could not fit the entire firing line into my lightbox! Fun to do, but I am through painting tartan for a while.