
Thursday 21 December 2023

Thirty Years War/English Civil War Painting Guide out in January.

 My latest painting guide is now available for pre-order from Caliver Books.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Front Rank SYW French High Command Figures and a couple of Aides-de-Camp.

 Big chunky figures, are these, but fun to paint. 

Sunday 3 December 2023

Crann Tara SYW: 1st Bn. Infantry Regiment Prinz Birkenfeld and some Staff Officers.

 More Crann Tara SYW Savoy figures painted up as 1st Bn. Infantry Regiment Prinz Birkenfeld for my Palatine force. Also, a single Perry figure (a special edition that a chum procured for me from a show) painted up as Generalmajor Christian Georg Freiherr von der Osten and a base containing two Eureka Miniatures' SYW Saxon mounted figures and a Perry AWI French officer to represent Generalleutnant Ferdinand Wilhelm Freiherr von Isselbach and staff.  The flags come from Frédéric Aubert now available on  his new website: