
Monday 28 December 2020

Eureka Miniatures 28mm WW1 Imperial Camel Corps.

These chaps were released earlier this year, just as things around Covid and Lockdown 1 were a little sticky and a time that I had no "headspace" for keeping track of new releases. I discovered them in October, purely by chance, on a visit to the Eureka UK website. Santa brought me some!

I was delighted to see some Imperial Camel Corps troops in 28mm (they are marketed as "Australian Camel Corps") and I just had to have some. They are sculpted as Australian troops drawn from the ranks of the Light Horse regiments, but the emu plumes in their hats can be easily removed with a blade to represent New Zealanders and a head-swap to give them Wolseley helmets would create Tommies. That way, all four battalions can be covered. 

The camels, to my eyes, seem to be a little small compared to the riders but this is just a minor observation on a set of figures that are a welcome addition to the canon of WW1 troops for the Egypt and Palestine campaigns.

Here are the first three I have painted up. All wearing the red patch of 1 Bn . Imperial Camel Corps, a battalion drawn exclusively from Australian personnel.

Saturday 26 December 2020

Sudan. 1 Bn. Berkshire Regiment and Ammunition Mules.

 'A'. 'B' and 'C' Companies, 1 Bn. Berkshire Regiment, Sudan, and a couple of mules carrying ammunition lead by a Privates from the Army Commissariat and Transport Corps. 'A' Company has already been featured earlier this year so here are the two new companies.

Friday 18 December 2020

Sudan. No. 1 Section, "G" battery, Royal Horse Artillery and Mounted Senior Officers

 The artillery comes from the Perry Victoria's Little Wars range (2nd Afghan War) and have been given a suitable paint scheme to transfer their service to the Sudan. The three Senior officers are unaltered and straight out of the box!

Friday 20 November 2020

Radio Communications

 Over the last couple of weeks I've been painting up another Empress Miniatures 3.7inch Howitzer and Mule transport (the first was done earlier this year) but on the back of that comes this rather nice group from the Empress Jazz Age range. Destined for Imperial Service in the 1920s these carry the helmet patches of the Royal Corps of Signals.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Sudan. 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers Command figures.

The group of three are Perry 19th Hussar figures creatively repurposed with a suitable colour scheme. The single officer comes from the Perry AZW Lancer command set, painted up as the Major commanding the two squadrons of the 5th Lancers at Suakin.

Sunday 18 October 2020

Sudan. 5th (Royal Irish) Lancers.

Inspired by the interesting uniform depicted in the Caton Woodville illustration of the Royal Irish Lancers, here are the first three of a squadron of twelve. These are Perry AZW Lancers with some uniform detail removed with a sharp blade and a little greenstuff added to form the paggri on the helmet. Painted up in a plain blue frock, Bedford Cord  riding breeches and a paggri in the regimental facing colour.