
Monday 27 June 2016

WW1 Indian Army 10pdr Screw Gun and a Nice Cup of Tea.

This is the Artizan Designs Indian Mountain Gun and Crew from their 2nd Afghan War range (NWF0500). The muzzle loading gun has been slightly modified to give the impression of the BL 10pdr Mountain Gun that, although obsolete, was still in service with Indian Artillery in Mesopotamia for quite some time. The model gun is tiny and I was quite surprised to find that it was a resin model. The wheels had shattered in the post much to my annoyance, but it gave me the chance to try out moulding a new set of wheels from Greenstuff and Milliput using some of that wonderful plastic moulding material that is activated in hot water and can be re-used. Wonderful stuff for this kind of job.

This chap is also an Artizan Designs figure from the same range (NWF0010a). His original head has been replaced with a head wearing an India Pattern Sun Helmet. This head was also created by making a hot-water-plastic-mould from a figure in the lead pile and filling it with greenstuff. I like the new technology.

Sunday 5 June 2016

WW1 Turkish heliograph team.

Originally the Perry Sudan Britsh heliograph pack with Woodbine headswaps, a bit of greenstuff on the collars and a Turkish paint job. More table-dressing for Mesopotamia and Palestine

Wednesday 1 June 2016

WW1 Turkish Trench Mortar

Well... technically speaking the Great War Minatures German 25cm Minenwerfer with crew. Woodbine headswaps all round , some uniform detail removed with a sharp knife and file and a turkish paint scheme. Clearly Johnny has borrowed this impressive piece of kit from his friends the German "Technical Specialists".

Perhaps this would be more accurate (with thanks to The Beast):