
Friday 15 April 2016

Pulp Figures Japanese Naval Landing Party.

Continuing the naval theme but this time for some BoB/Interwar gaming in 1920s and 30s. The blue is deliberately very dark. Believe it or not, there are three shades on here: a base of black, a mid tone of s 50-50 mix of VMC Dark Prussian Blue and Black, and a highlight of some more dark Prussian Blue added to the 50-50 mid-tone.

Friday 8 April 2016

Ship's Company Fly Class Gunboat 2.

HMS Firefly, part of the Tigris flotilla, was captured by the Ottoman forces on 1 December, 1915, having been disabled by a shell to the boiler room. She then entered Ottoman service as the Suleiman Pak until recaptured on 26 February, 1917. So, the Fly Class gunboat model needs an Ottoman Crew. Here they are. For the most part, these are Perry Sudan British Naval and Egyptian figures with Woodbine headswaps. There is a Woodbine Turk in there too. The lovely figure of the boat's engineer with massive spanner on his back comes from the Westphalia Miniatures Steampunk range of figures!