
Tuesday 23 February 2016

WW1 Field Artillery Observation Position, Middle East.

Some more "table dressing". The Limber Pole Observation Ladder from a previous post, a battery officer and an officer up from Brigade conversing with the observer, a field telephone powered by a Royal Engineers Sapper on a bicycle generator and some frantic semaphore from a signaler.

All these figures have Woodbine Design heads. Figures from Woodbine Design, Great War Miniatures, Footsore Miniatures and Dixon Miniatures.

Monday 15 February 2016

Self indulgence and a splash of colour.

A much valued patron is building a 1/56 scale WW1 Fly Class river gun boat for service on the River Tigris. It needed a main armament of a Mark IV QF 4 inch naval gun. No one makes one of these in this scale. I offered to scratch build one. The offer was accepted and here it is. NOT a scale model but a representation of a 4 inch gun with shield.  Styrene tubes, plasticard, a couple of MDF bases, superglue and... off course.... swearing! No scratchbuild would be complete without the foul language.

Here is HMS Sedgefly on the Tigris with the 4 inch gun on the main deck.

The last couple of projects were big jobs so it was with a smile that I began a small group of ECW Staff Officer figures. These allowed a splash of colour onto the brushes. These will be based up when I hand them over to their owner. Figures by Bicorn Miniatures, I think.

Back to Mespot now to complete some figures to cluster around the base of the Limber Pole Artillery Observation Ladder.... including a Tommy on a bicyle powered generator!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

WW1 Artillery Observation Limber Pole Ladder.

"'Ey, Frank!" shouted Battery Sgt. Humphries, "I can see our Mam's 'ouse from up 'ere!"

And here is a real one!

Sunday 7 February 2016

WW1 British Imperial Medical Aid Station 2.

The completed project. An interesting bit of "table-dressing". Figures from Perry, Woodbine Designs, Old Glory, Great War Miniatures, Footsore Miniatures, Mutton Chop and Foundry. Head swaps are everywhere! The tent and piles of boxes are from Grand Manner.

Old Glory Surgeon and Nursing Sisiter from Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nusring Service, Perry Sudan Orderly, Doctor and bare chested casualty, and a Foundry "lying down" case on the other stretcher.

Woodbine Designs Doctor, Old Glory Stretcher Bearers with casualty, Foundry "walking" case.

RAMC Orderlies with stretcher case from Perry, The two Indian SBs are from Mutton Chop and Footsore Miniatures with Woodbine heads.

The camels are from Perry with scratchbuilt cacolets. A Woodbine casualty propping himself up next to a Perry Sudan casualty, The SB offering a drink is a Woodbine Designs figure with a side cap head from some Footsore Miniatures BUF types.