
Friday 28 August 2015

Big Bertha and further progress with Pigs.

The HLBS Krupp 42cm Howitzer.

Following the concept model in the previous post, the design and build of the cereal packet Mark IX "Pig" Infantry Carrier has been tweaked a little in size and rudimentary rivettng has taken place on this second scratchbuilt model. 

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Mark IX "Pig" Supply/Infantry Carrier, 1918.

All this was Ignatieff's idea over on LAF. I found a free download of a 1/72 scale paper model here. I re-scaled it up to 1/56 and took the pieces as a template for this cereal packet model. Again, just having a go to see what can be achieved with this very inexpensive method and, more importantly, by not spending hundreds of hours on building and painting. The detail is drawn on with black ink. I'm still learning with this method, but it is very satisfying to see something that one creates from scratch.

And here is a real one.
And here is a video.

Thursday 13 August 2015

French Napoleonic 7th Hussars. Perry Plastic Hussars.

It has been quite some time since I painted up any of these, but as the khaki and big guns took centre stage this summer, gently simmering in the background have been these chaps. Six more Hussars to do. Perhaps a photo of the completed unit to come when all is complete.

Wednesday 12 August 2015

A little bit of fun with a cereal packet, some glue and some paint.

I made a motorised Pigeon Loft.  

Not based on anything other than some photos found online. More imagination than authenticity.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

WW1 Heavy Haulage and an Omnibus!

The Traction Engine from The Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company hauling "Ada", another 8 inch Howitzer from the same company. The towing limber is a scratchbuild. Apologies if the images are a little blurred. This is a big model and when hitched up to a gun is almost a foot long! I had to resort to hand held photography and it seems that the anti-shake was a bit ineffective. 

Back in March, out of curiosity, I purchased the Model T Ambulance from Warbases. Last week I took delivery of one of their latest MDF vehicle kits, the AEC Model B Omnibus. I've wanted a bus to put into my display cabinet for quite some time and at a tenner for the kit, it is very good value and, I think gives a pleasing end result. With a bit more work filling in some of the joints it could be even better. If you want some affordable transport to run the gaunlet of German artillery along the Menin Road I heartily recommend this kit.

"Who parked this bloody Bus here? It's meant to go over there!"

Private Perkins was ordered to guard this Omnibus until relieved. He is still waiting.

I am quite pleased with the end result of this build and I think I feel the stirrings of a bit of a conversion project....