
Monday 24 December 2012

Woodbine Designs: More WW1 Gurkhas.

Good heavens, I found some unexpected, yet rather welcome, extra time at the painting table since my last post (yes, I apologise for saying that that would be the last before Christmas). This has allowed me to complete the last five Woodbine Gurkhas and, as promised, here they are along with a photo of the complete unit of ten.

I now find myself with a completely clear painting table. Nothing outstanding. What joy! I have a small plastic box containing a selection of figures that have been saved until I have the time to dip in and wonder "What shall I paint today?" It looks as if I can now indulge myself. I wonder if the Good Lady Wife picked up on the Christmas hints about the re-released Foundry Boer War British Artillery Limber? Or will she, once again, refuse to gift anything related to the hobby, maintaining, foolishly, that "you've got enough bloody models to paint!"

Happy Christmas, everyone. I wish you all peace and prosperity.

Friday 21 December 2012

Merry Chrismas, and Gawd Bless Us, Every One.

The last post before the holidays, so, Merry Christmas to all. May 2013 see us all healthy, wealthy, but above all happy.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Woodbine Designs: WW1 Gurkhas

 The first five of a ten figure unit of Woodbine Designs' Gurkhas. The next five will be brandishing the kukri. It is good to return to Woodbines painting up a group of figures that I have not attempted before. 
A photo of the next five and the completed unit should be up, I hope, just before the Christmas holidays start.

Monday 17 December 2012

Gloucestershire Yeomanry (Royal Gloucestershire Hussars) Palestine 1917-18. Great War Miniatures Conversions 3.

You may recall that I painted up ten GWM/Woodbine conversions to create the Royal Gloucester Hussars in Palestine, 1917, back in the summer. Well, here are ten of the same but this time dismounted.

Sunday 9 December 2012

More Armed Workers, Merchant Sailors and Adventurers.

The next ten of this batch of twenty. It has taken a while to get them complete due to all sorts of real life getting in the way and hampering the escapism of painting.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Forgotten Front Miniatures Highlander

There are three Highlanders in Wolseley helmets recently produced by Dave Ryan's "Forgotten Front Miniatures" range available on the Miniature Figurines website:

Here's one I painted earlier, as they say on all the best telly programmes.

A welcome addition to the cannon of miniatures available for the 1914-1930 period. Great to paint, too. Nice work, Dave.