
Wednesday 22 December 2010

Perry Miniatures British Napoleonic 9pdr and Team

A great piece of sculpting from Messers Perry. Click on an image for a closer look... this thing is ten inches long on its base so difficult to get close images of the whole piece.

Friday 10 December 2010

Just for Adrian....

Well, my friend, the gun barrel on the French 24pdr was undercoated black and then given a coat of Vallejo Model Colour Bronze. This is a dark bronze colour and a good thick paint. I applied the bronze with a 7zero brush with brush strokes going from right to left, at right angles to the length of the barrel. When this dries it leaves brush strokes in the dried pigment. Once dry the whole thing was given a Nut Brown ink wash. Then I drybrushed the barrel with Vallejo Model Colour Brass, but this time all brush strokes went lengthways down the barrel from breech to muzzle. This highlighted raised areas AND the brush strokes made using the thick Bronze paint. Finally, I added a touch of silver paint to the Brass and lightly drybrushed the the top half of the barrel. No varnish was used once all was dry as it would have lifted the metalic paints that had been drybrushed.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Perry AWI French 24pdr and crew

There are actually six figures in this set. The missing piece is an Officer figure that, to me, seemed not interact with the rest of this gun crew, obviously intent on laying this large piece. So, he was confined to the lead mountain for the time being. The last two months have not been kind in providing time to paint, but finally this little scene is complete.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Sunday 5 September 2010

Running up the gun.

Perry Miniatures Royal Horse Artillery and 5.5inch Howitzer.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Pierre-Agathe Heymes, Colonel d'Empire, ADC to Marshal Ney

The final figure from the trio by the Perry's.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Saturday 21 August 2010

Musketeer Miniatures (Footsore Miniatures) WW1 Highlanders

Painted up to represent 1/14th County of London Regiment (TF) (London Scottish).

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Woodbine WW1 Character Sets

Ernie and Frank hammer the living daylights out of old jam tins to make jam tin bombs while the Padre offers young Atkins a fag as he waits for the motorised transport to take him to the Casualty Clearing Station.